Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Compassion for the Expat

Even if you aren’t in the process of relocating, you very well may have a friend, family member or acquaintance who has spent an extended time outside of his or her home country.  While those of us who remain may only consider how exciting and exotic an international assignment sounds, have you ever considered all that’s involved with moving yourself and everything else in your life to a country with which you may not have even passing familiarity?  Tough enough to do so on your own, but how about a family with small children, think for a moment of the logistics, emotions and planning that must take place to make this a successful transition. Consider further the fact that if you are working for a company and leaving the familiar confines of your cubicle for a distant office with supporting staff diminished or all together absent.  You are away from the central nervous system of the company and risk being out of sight and out of mind.  Moreover, your spouse has a huge adjustment, from perhaps planning the move, searching for local employment or finding the best place for your families favorite dinner ingredients.  It's not easy and Azimuth knows it.  Layer in the potential fear and frustration a family endures on top of this dubious dessert, remove a dash of health insurance benefits the family is accustomed to accessing, and you have a recipe for disaster.   Whether you are contemplating a move or are a human resources professional charged with helping your company emerge as a multinational operation, be sure that you plan to have proper benefit plan available for international placement.  Check out Azimuth's Meridian Series for individuals and families or the Contour Series international group benefit plans.  Both of these value filled offerings will greatly enhance employee recruitment, retention and likely successful outcomes of an organization's international employment postings.

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